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نبيل يعقوب الحمر

An Agreement to Stop the Bloodshed in Lebanon Warms the Hearts of the Lebanese

Elias Joseph Hobeika is a Lebanese soldier and politician and one of the leaders of the Lebanese Forces militia during the Lebanese Civil War
Elie Hobeika at a press conference

The call came, then the agreement to stop the bloodshed in Lebanon, to cheer our hearts, despite the fact that it was issued by one of the parties to the conflict who represent the majority of the conflicting organizations, parties and militias.

The presence of Elie Hobeika, "head of the dissident Lebanese forces" "with the Lebanese national parties", constituted a qualitative historical turning point that gives the cease-fire decision greater importance than the fragile previous decisions, which were squandered by a machine gun shot, or a dispute that does not take care of the interest of Lebanon and the Lebanese in unity. to his lands, and directing the energy of his sons and his army to expel the occupying Zionist enemy army from his lands. Building a single and independent Arab Lebanon.

At a time when the six-party Arab committee issued an appeal yesterday to stop the bloodshed in Lebanon and to cease fire between the conflicting and rival parties, there was great hope that this strong appeal would not be ignored in its humanitarian and national meanings. The battles were renewed yesterday in a serious manner and on a large scale, increasing the number of civilian casualties from the battles, who have become the fuel of these dirty rivalries, and the target of the conflicts of the merchants of destruction in Lebanon.

Today, every honorable Arab, and every Lebanese in the first place, looks forward to the hope that the voices of the guns will be silenced, and the cease-fire decision that was issued yesterday evening is embodied in a practical way, to reach the depth of the human conscience of the warring parties, so that we can say that the efforts of the sincere have not been in vain.


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