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نبيل يعقوب الحمر

An emergency meeting of the Council of Arab States to discuss the Lebanese crisis

The Green Line divided West and East Beirut, separating the conflicting parties during the Lebanese Civil War between 1975 and 1990.
Lebanon's destruction and war damage

Tomorrow, the Council of the League of Arab States will begin its emergency meeting, which was called by the Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chairman of the Six-Party Committee for Communication and Good Offices for Lebanon, to discuss the format of the report prepared by the committee, which includes the results of the contacts and consultations it conducted with various Arab and international parties, in addition to the proposals and perceptions it developed to end the crisis. Lebanese.

What is required of the Lebanese now is to abide by the ceasefire to avoid more innocent victims and to open the way for the Arab League to come up with a political solution to the crisis that satisfies all parties so that Lebanon can return to its nation and its active role in the Arab family.

This crisis, which lasted for more than 14 years, negatively affected Arab relations, disrupted many Arab efforts, and diverted attention from the main Arab cause, which is the Palestinian cause, which is facing a fierce attack by the Zionists and their allies to thwart the positives achieved as a result of the continuation of the heroic uprising in the occupied territories.

The current situation in Lebanon can no longer be tolerated or tolerated because the fate of Lebanon cannot be left to groups that control and endanger its security, sovereignty and unity and division.

The future of the Lebanese situation and the prospects for peace or the situation's explosion depends on what the possible solution will be announced at the League's meeting tomorrow, and the extent to which the warring parties on the Lebanese scene accept this solution.


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